Thursday, April 5, 2012

long time, no see!

Hey ya'll! whew, it's been almost a whole year since I've been on the blog! Even just looking at my last publish of my sweet girl at TEN MONTHS makes me so teary! Brings a whole new meaning to the saying, "time flies, when you're having fun!" So, hopefully I'll try to get back into full swing with blogging!
Here's the scoop these days--we have certainly had one heck of a year, that's for sure! Lots of ups and downs, but mostly just loving our girl and trying to make the most out of each day we are given! Everyone already knows, but we are also expecting again! God knew our family only has room for one Princess at the moment so he has blessed us with a little man! We are grateful for our children and can't wait for Braxton to come into this crazy, beautiful world! He is due June 30th and it just can't come soon enough for this Mama! We haven't officially given him a middle name yet, but he will most likely be named after his Daddy which will be Braxton Matthew. Everything is going great so far and he sure is growing like a weed!

Miss Abby Kate is still our dainty little girl but getting bigger by the minute! She is so smart, and very outgoing! There is never a dull moment with her! She keeps us on our toes! She's learning so many new things! She can count to 5 (with help) but hey, it's a start! She skips 1 when we say it and moves on to 2 but that's okay with us! She loves kitties, puppies, moo cows, Elmo, reading, and she has to feed herself! Sometimes I think she's a little too big for her britches!

Justin and I are heading to Cookeville, TN for the night while Abby is spending the night with MiMi and PawPaw! Justin has an important meeting tomorrow with the guy over the wildlife/fisheries department at Tennessee Tech University, which will determine what our future holds (at least for the next few years) We are also going to spend the rest of the day exploring the town! I honestly hope we either love it or hate it so there is no in-between factors on deciding if he will be applying! If so, we are looking to move there this summer (after Braxton arrives) so he can start in the fall! Possible big changes to come! Fingers crossed and prayers needed and appreciated!

Stay tuned, it's Easter weekend so there will be tons of Abby cuteness to share! This post doesn't even put a dent in all the things that have happened within the last year but I'm thinking instead of back tracking, I'll just move forward and start fresh! Feels good to be back!

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